
Hazelwood Central High School

Owner: Hazelwood School District
15875 New Halls Ferry Road
Florissant, MO 63034

Square Footage: 84,000 SF
Completion Date: August 2014
15 Month Schedule
Construction Cost:   $20,345,000

Central High School was the second major project to be awarded to Wright Construction from the $150 Million Hazelwood School District Bond Issue of 2012. Elaborate exterior finish materials and interior building elements helped make this a “one-of-a-kind” K-12 project. Nearly 20,000 SF of structural elevated concrete formed the science wings.

This addition to the back of the existing high school connected three previously separated wings. Renovations and improvements to approximately 170,000 SF of the existing building were included in this contract. Wright Construction was able to exceed the Minority and Disadvantaged business participation goals by achieving 42%.